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Organisation Principles

Parent Note (Up)

Before developing an overall organisation system, or even any small system, it is useful to have a few underlying principles upon which to build them. In fairness, this is not how I initially built my organisation systems. Neither my current one, nor any of the ones I have used for many many years. But, I have managed to identify a few principles which seem to have lasted the test of time, hidden in some of my best organisation practices. The systems which are built on these principles seem to be the ones which work best for me.

[[ 2+1 principle ]]

Start with Maslow's hierarchy and arrive at 2+1. Whatbis in each bucket. Why is it +1, and not just 3.

[[ PAR cycle ]]

plan, action & review

[[ todo idea funnel ]]

Plans have a top of funnel (long term backlog), middle of funnel (long to do list) and bottom of funnel (calendar or weekly to do list). Compare the funnel to the urgency vs importance matrix.

[[ organisation automation ]]

Reviews should collect data granularly so that it can be used for any cycle required. Data collection should be as automated as possible, so that plan and review take less time. Action should be smartly guided and have as much time as possible.

End of Note

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